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Multi-sensorial Sculptures

Interactive, participatory &
Material exploration,


Pure Data



OCAD University: 

Nikkie To  

Grace Mendez

Österlen Skolan för Konst och Design: 

Solo Projects

PD & Arduino Assessment: 

Martin Velez

Love Lagerkvist



Multiple projects between


OCAD University: 

Multi Sensory Studio Course

Österlen Skolan för konst och Design: Individual Projects.

Series of interactive, inclusive and participatory sculptures. These challenge the predominant visual interaction to art through interactive multi sensorial experiences that allow for the visitor to become an essential part of the complete artistic piece.

páramo (2022)

Final project at Österlenskolan för Konst och Design. The sound files  come from different rivers and creeks in Colombian paramos

Exhibited at Galleri 21 between June 3-19, 2022. 


  • Clay

  • Conductive Paint 

  • Arduino & Necessary Wiring 

  • Acrylic paint 

Avtryck exhibition

lulo (2021)

Individual project at Österlenskolan för Konst och Design.  This piece was designed for being in a dark room. The visitor is encouraged to explore the contents of the piece with their hands. Furthermore, before entering the dark room, the visitor is given a drink of Lulo juice, to further enhance the multi-sensoriality of the piece.  

The sound files correspond to three ambient sounds of the city of Bogotá, Colombia. These were recorded for a project titled Bogotá Fonográfica


  • Clay

  • Conductive Paint 

  • Arduino & Necessary Wiring 

  • Plants 

  • Lulo Juice

jar of apricots (2018)

Group work for the course Multi Sensory Studio Course at OCAD University in Toronto, Canada. The task was to create a multi-sensorial translation of the existing art piece titled The Jar of Apricots by Jean-Siméon Chardin (1758).